
How to Run 32bit Game on 64bit Windows 10

If you'ray running Windows 10 and still need to run legacy 16-bit programs, getting them to work correctly takes a bit of act. Here's our guide on how to do it.

Windows 10 includes a range of options for running older programs not organized for the OS. We antecedently looked at exploitation tools to troubleshoot application compatibility, which lets you qualify a program to make it cogitate it is installing on a underslung version of Windows. Much older applications that pre-escort Windows 95 will sometimes require a bit more work. 16-act applications, particularly, are not natively supported happening 64-bit Windows 10 because the operating system lacks a 16-fleck subsystem. This lav even affect 32-bit applications that utilize a 16-bit installer.

16-Bit Apps

The result for much a scenario is to run the OS on an older version of Windows, requiring setting up a virtual machine. If you still utilize a 32-bit version of Windows 10, you can get the best of both worlds past enabling the 16-bit subsystem. As Microsoft's future heads toward 64-bit computing, the company is minimizing its support for many a of the legacy components in Windows. The best way to add 16-bit support in Windows 10 requires some command product line work.

Configure 16-bit Application Support in Windows 10

16 Bit support testament require enabling the NTVDM feature. To get along so, press Windows key + R, then type: optionalfeatures.exe then attain Enter. Expatiate Bequest Components then check off NTVDM and click OK.

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 6.58.37 PM

The next step is to install the feature through the Compel Prompt. Compact Windows key + X then click Command Prompt (Admin.)At the prompt, type the following command:

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NTVDM

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 7.01.34 PM

The add feature wizard for NTVDM wish launch. Chatter Install this feature to complete the installation. So restart your computer if necessary.

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 7.03.04 PM

In real time 16-bit application support is enabled. You dismiss proceed to install your application as normal.

install app 2

Roughly applications might require additional permissions. Recapitulation our compatibility article for much information approximately adjusting those settings.

We're rummy about what types of 16-bit applications you even so are running. Leave a comment infra and let us know. Also, if you're experiencing some problems with it, head to our new and improved Windows 10 Forums for additional support.

How to Run 32bit Game on 64bit Windows 10


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